Here is a video that Lisa took, she caught Ulla sleeping in the sun. That is one relaxed calf, she must feel pretty safe and secure to just zonk out like that.
Author Archives: Angel Garden Farm
Everyone has a bad day, once in awhile
This day was probably the worst day we have had at the farm since we started.
It started out normally, the truck dying on me because of the extreme cold (I think, I hope), I prayed a lot and things seemed to be working as it warmed up a little. Because of the truck I was later getting to the farm for chores than I usually get there. When I did get there, I found what was one of biggest concerns about this little farm we’re running.
The barn roof on the end where the cattle stay was caved in from the weight of the snow pack. MAY was mooing in an unusual way and as I approached the scene it hit me like a ton of bricks – she was stuck in the barn and extremely agitated. I was so worried and scared but knowing MAY was mooing kept me sane. I was able to move a couple of the boards and metal roofing pieces and she followed me out and found ULLA who was very hungry and MAY stood very still while she nursed.
There was a few moments when I thought I might just loose my mind, but after calling Lisa and saying many prayers I calmed down enough to start thinking straight. Lisa and I made a plan and with the help of some awesome friends and great kids we were able to fix up some shelter for the cows. Hopefully things will calm down and the weather will warm up a little and we can move forward toward our goals. Please keep us in your prayers.
Here is a little video of what things looked like right after I got MAY out of the barn:
Another video of Ulla running all over the pasture…this time in snow!
I just love this little heifer calf. She runs circles around the pasture and the others. She is so full of energy and fun to watch. She runs so much she is foaming at the mouth and panting.
I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season, God bless you all.
Ulla running all over the pasture
Well, Ulla is now 3 weeks old. We have gotten her and May out of the barn several times now and they just spend the day up on the hill. There is still green grass up there for May to eat and it allows Ulla a chance to stretch her legs and get to know the beef steers – Teebone and Ribeye. I (Greg) have really started to bond with the little heifer, she loves it when I scratch her on the neck and will let me pet her just about any time I come around.
I was told by Diana (who we got May from) that the baby (Ulla) was half Jersey and half Angus. I am not sure if she looks like an Angus, but maybe. Whatever she is, we will probably keep her to breed her and see if we can increase the size of our little herd.
This video is of Ulla running around the pasture just after we let them out of the barn on a Sunday morning. It is suppose to snow today, so we’ll see how she does when the flakes start to fall.
Enjoy the video…….
Discovering a new baby on the hill
What a day! We discovered this morning that May had her baby.
Here is the video of how we first saw the little girl.